Well, if you have a lot of free time on your hands and tend to sit in Dalaran waiting for something to do then you've read the right post! If you don't have time to raid, or have too much time and there aren't any raids going on I figure I might as well give you a few things to do. We don't want anyone getting bored now do we?
Farm mounts - The Deathcharger Reins from Baron Rivendare, The Swift Zulian TIger or Swift Razzashi Raptor from Zul'Gurub. Grab a few people and throw in a Druid and try to get the Reins of the Raven Lord from Heroic Sethekk Halls. Maybe grind some rep with your favorite faction or just do the Argent Tournament dailies. There are plenty of things you can do to get some shiny mounts!
Go Fishing - Not one of my personal favorites, but it can be fun! You can also get some nice rewards from it too. Sea Turtle, for example.
Battlegrounds - I'm not a big PvPer but every now and again I'll hop into the battlegrounds. It's pretty fun when you don't have an arena rating on the line and you aren't really trying to get gear.
Achievements - You knew it was coming. You can always find an achievement to do. Theres probably some title or tabard that you haven't gotten yet.
Non-Combat Pets - I'm a large collector of these. I now have over 70, my favorite being the Hippogryph Hatchling. Theres a lot of pets out there that are just too cute not to collect! Hop on the AH, or grind some rep. Heck, you could even kill some Whelps! If you want to get more into the hobby of collecting these pets head on over to Warcraft Pets! They're incredibly friendly and helpful over there.
Role Play - Yes, it's generally hard to find any role play on non-RP servers, and even tough to find it on some RP servers, but it can be pretty darn fun!
Run heroics - Even if you don't need to. Maybe help a guildie get some badges or an extra piece of gear, or just join a PuG to kill some time till the raid.
Level Alts - I personally HATE leveling alts, even though I've done it 4 times now >_> But it's fun to some people and can be rewarding having characters of all different classes.
Enjoy the scenery - I've mentioned this before. Stop and enjoy some of the views and take a screenshot or 2.
Be Raid Ready - Stock up on Potions, Flasks, Bandages, Arrows, Bullets, Shards, Spell Regeants, Food, Water. Whatever you need to have for the raid be sure you got it!
It's nice to have things to do during raid downtime, and don't forget that raiding isn't the only fun thing to do!
.. Just the MOST fun thing to do ~_^
Hello world!
3 months ago
I'm currently working towards my Cold Weather flying and my epic flyer, so i have lots to do. I've only been 80 for 3 weeks and never thought about saving up previously! Ive made 1k gold this week by Quests in Icecrown, killing lots and dailies. So i'm never bored at the minute.
Thank you for the warm welcome. :D
I was thinking about farming for the baron's mount now that I have some free time. My boyfriend and I tried farming for the ZG mounts before, but luck wasn't on our side. >_<
I am working on getting the achievement, Lil' Game Hunter, and I do have an account on Warcraftpets. I have 59/75, lol I'm slacking.
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