So, looking to get inside the head of Aenorn are you? Well it won't be that easy, friends! Hmph.. maybe it will. Well, let's start with classes: I currently play a Paladin, and a Death Knight. Both are on the Dentarg US server, however I also have a 70 Warrior and 70 Hunter who are retired. I'm laid back until it comes to raiding. If you're in a raid with me, don't screw up. You'll regret it. Turning to real life for a moment, I live in Texas. We don't all have accents and wear cowboy boots as most stereotypes suggest. I have a great dog, and 2 wonderful parents. I love to draw, and fiddle with computers and technology, although WoW comes first.
You may break the rest of the walls in my brain down in time, but for now that's all you're gettin'!
Hello world!
3 months ago
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