I just realized that I've completely forgotten to introduce myself to you all! There's a story that goes along with my introduction so bare with me as I try to tell it in the least mind numbing way possible.
I'm Aenorn, I've been playing World of Warcraft since just a few months after it was released, and play on the Dentarg server. I fell in love with it immediately and have been a hardcore player ever since. (Here comes the story, saddle up!)
OK so it all started at Blizzcon 2008. If you went you understand what a pain it was trying to get tickets, with the site crashing, going down for maintenance, etc. I was unable to buy my tickets normally because of this, so I entered the drawing. A few weeks went by and in all honesty I had forgotten about it, I figured those who won the drawing had already gotten there tickets by now. I woke up one morning to an email from Blizzard in my inbox telling me that I won the drawing. I was ecstatic to say the least!
Anyway, my experience at Blizzcon was amazing and I can't wait for Blizzcon 09 in August, but I won't bore you with that (At least not today :P) At Blizzcon I received a special edition authenticator, I was fairly excited, as I wasn't able to buy one from the Blizzard Store because they kept going out of stock. Blizzcon happened, I flew back home, I waited for the grueling maintenance to be over so I could log in, put in the code for my big furry bear, and install my authenticator! Eventually I was able to, and everything was fine and dandy.
A few months later Wrath came out. I was 4th in line at the Gamestop midnight release, and anxious to grab my Special Edition Copy! Got it, got home, installed it, played my Warrior a bit in Northrend (With my faithful companion, Frosty, by my side!). After a bit of that I decided to try out a Death Knight. I already had the race decided in my mind, what's more epic than a Gnome Death Knight!? I log in and absolutely love the class. I decide I'll level him to 80, once again a story for another day. I hit 80 15 minutes after the other Gnome Death Knight I was racing against, making me the second on the server. Curse my mother for forcing me to help her with Christmas lights!
Once I hit 80 I found an amazing guild called Montage. They had transferred from another server to Dentarg and had that drive to be the best! We were one of the top guilds on our server, in the top 3 almost all the time! We were second on Alliance to clear Naxx 10 (Ironically by 15 minutes) and we were on top of the world. Having done every single boss with them, our amazing leader, Diemm, decided it was time I was made an officer and the Death Knight class leader. We started raiding 25 mans and having great fun doing it, and then.. it happened
It was December 15th, 2008. A night I'll never forget, the night my home and business caught fire and burned to the ground. I won't go into details, but it was a horrible experience watching everything we had burn in front of our very eyes. You may have guessed already, but if you haven't I'll let you in on it anyway: I didn't grab my authenticator (Or my Starcraft 2 Beta Key! T_T)
Now, it isn't as easy as one might assume to get your authenticator removed from an account. No, answering your security question, giving your date of birth, and credit card number isn't enough to prove you own the account. Though my case is a bit different than most, who can just fax a photo copy of their ID. Being a minor I have to mail a copy of my Birth Certificate, which burned up in the fire. I currently live in Texas, but was born in California, making it much more of a hassle.
Until I get my account up and running again I have reopened my old account (Which had nothing but a level 22 Shaman on it named, Omgiownu) I have since started leveling a Paladin, 54 now. I plan on taking him to 80 and transferring him to my main account. I'm glad I could share my story with you all and I hope you'll join me for more to come!
Hello world!
3 months ago
Oh, wow, that's such a horrible story! Ironically, my house burning down is one of my worst fears. I'm sorry you had to go through it and doubly sorry you can't play your main account. At least you're having fun with your pally, though. :)
Hah yea, I look at it as both a loss and a gain (in WoW terms, because RL terms it's a complete loss haha) Because without the ability to play my main account I found out how much fun a Paladin can be! Needless to say if authenticators are in the Blizzcon 09 goody bags I will be keeping mine in its box.
Coming from someone who always loses things, I'm desperately afraid I'll misplace mine one day. I taped mine to a big box since it's so tiny... and it must've worked, because I still haven't lost it.
Interesting post, nice to meet you. *shake hands*
I guess you are both lucky and unlucky, but it's good that you are not hurt. Your experience just reminded me of how fortunate some of us are, as horrible things like this do happen a lot in real life. Best of luck to you in recovering your account.
*re-posting to fix spelling error.
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