Aha, finally something useful on this blog other than a bunch of rants and rambles right? Yes, folks! It's time for the Unholy Hands raid checklist! Helping you look prepared in front of your GM! Let's jump right in!
Potions/Flasks - A very important aspect to the raiding experience! One health or mana potion can make the difference between life and death, and the same goes for healing/tanking/DPS enhancement flasks.
Food - Don't blow off buying/making food because you think you have a mage or cook coming. Better safe than sorry, plus if you grab the right stuff you can get a nice boost to your stats, and when your mage backs out at the last second you get to be the always prepared hero that saves the day with his amazingly tasteful food of awesomeness!
Reagents - There's nothing more annoying than having a druid not be able to Battle Res because he doesn't have any seeds. Consider this situation: You just wiped on Algalon at 1% and you have enough time for one more try that week if you (in this example you're a shaman) can self-res fast enough, and res the rest of the raid. You're out of reagents. Your guild leader breaks his headset and kicks everyone from vent. The guild falls apart never to be heard from again and everyone quits the game. You'll never forget your reagents again will you?
Your Gear - Gear? Why would I forget my gear? Well, if you're dual specced you likely have 2 sets of gear, and could easily leave one in the bank. There's nothing more embarrassing than being asked to heal for a fight then having to admit you forgot your healing set.
Entertainment - Very important! Whether it be Papa Hummel's Old Fashioned Pet Biscuits or a toy train. They're incredibly useful during bathroom breaks, and at points where some raid members have to head back into town because they forgot their reagents or their gear!
Know the strategies - You have a general idea of who you're going to be trying to down before the raid starts, and if you don't then ask your GM. Read up on the strategies and make sure you know what your doing, random movement doesn't play out well.
Being prepared not only impresses your guild leader, but it makes your fellow members want to do the same so they don't look like morons. Overall, it's obvious that it's best to be ready for every instance. Who knows, maybe you'll end up an officer? No point in playing if ya aint gonna play right.. right?
Good luck!
Hello world!
3 months ago
I don't get on with people who are never ready!
"Your Gear - Gear? Why would I forget my gear? Well, if you're dual specced you likely have 2 sets of gear, and could easily leave one in the bank. There's nothing more embarrassing than being asked to heal for a fight then having to admit you forgot your healing set."
Its even more embarrassing when you change spec but forget to swop gear and then wonder just after the tank has pulled why you only have 7k mana as a holy paladin :D
My guildmaster has never lived down doing our first Mimiron kill as holy spec in full ret gear.
@Amil - Good! Don't group with bad people >:D
@Harpysnest - "Mimiron kill as holy spec in full ret gear"
World first possibly? ^^
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