No, really. It is. If you've been following MMO-Champion (who isn't?) you know that items from Algalon the Observer, the constellation that feeds on your tears, the hard mode only boss that has yet to be killed, have been added to the Hard Mode loot table of other hard mode bosses.
In all honesty, I have no idea why they've done this. They wanted to make a boss that won't be killed within a day, they did. As far as I've seen everyone was fine with this, they liked the challenge. What I don't understand is why they've added his loot to the bosses hard modes. If they can kill the hard modes, they should at least stand somewhat of a chance against Algalon anyway.
Even the blue post that announced this had "Casuals win again :(" written in it. Now as far as I'm concerned yes, the casuals are complaining and getting what they want. But from my point of view, if they're good enough to kill Hard Modes then they should eventually get Algalon down. This being said, if you can do that then you aren't casual. Casual is raiding 1 or 2 nights a week.
I was fine when Blizzard started nerfing the regular modes of Ulduar, though some of them I thought uncalled for. I still had hard modes, they were a challenge, but giving loot from Algalon, a boss who has yet to be killed by even the highest council of raiders, to players in the form of easier bosses makes absolutely no sense.
Now I don't plan on quitting the game any time soon, but Blizzard is going to lose some of their high end player base if they don't give them the content and rewards they deserve. I don't see anyone leaving the game because they can't kill a certain boss. Blizzard, i'm honestly starting to get upset at the fact that when people aren't good enough to clear content you nerf it so they can. Theres no such thing as "This boss is too hard" if it's been killed before! If it's killable it isn't too hard! You just aren't good enough!
I'll stop on that note, as I don't want to get into a frenzy. Give real raiders some real content.
Hello world!
3 months ago
Have to agree, its too much too fast in my opinion. Raiding cutting edge content should be hard, otherwise its pointless. In a way I would rather they just put a loot pinata in Dalaran for all the people who can't raid and left raiding content hard for those that enjoy the challenge.
We have just had months of just raiding one night a week because there was no content and it looks like it won't be long until we are back to that, especially since Algalon has a forced despawn.
As for the hardmodes being hard enough, I'm not convinced. The nerf to Hodir for example means my guild (far from hardcore) will kill him this reset and from our tries with a less than ideal raid makeup, it feels that we will probably get Steelbreaker last as well.
Maybe its rose-tinted glasses but I look back to the time we spent working on Cthun with fondness. When he finally died it felt like we had achieved something and I've been missing that in every tier of raiding since.
Although I agree with you.
I see myself as a casual raider, since I've dinged 80, and it's not been that long I've only raided Naxx twice and Malygos twice. My guild are doing Ulduar now though.
I enjoy being a casual player, I'm not tied down because of it and if my guild raid and i happen to be on, i can just join if theirs a space for me. I never complain though because you get out of it what you put in.
I understand where you're coming from. And I do think that they should cater the game to both casual and hardcore raidiers. At the moment though, they're taking content away from hardcores and turning it casual. There should be seperate challenges and rewards for both casuals and hardcores.
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