With 3.1 so close, plenty of people already have their secondary spec worked out and ready to be implemented right away. Some have already gotten full sets of gear for their new build and are ready to hit Ulduar hard.
There is some debate about how challenging Ulduar is and how quickly it will be cleared. I imagine Ensidia ( Number 1 world wide guild ) will clear it on all difficulty settings in 1 night, as will other guilds. I'll still be leveling my Paladin, probably somewhere in Outland, so I won't get to experience Ulduar right away, and I'm fine with that.
3.1 will also be introducing plenty of other things such as new non-combat pets, new mounts, The Argent Tournament, and more. The first thing I'll be doing is hopping in the lake on my mount. Swimming mounts is just the thing this game needed! *Que internet sarcasm*
Some people complain that Blizzard is making the game too casual or too easy, others are happy they are able to see end-game raiding at all. There has certainly been some debate on the subject, and I take neither side. I think Blizzard is doing their job, which is tuning the game toward all players and every playstyle, and doing it well. With Ulduar, there will be 'Hard Modes' that you can choose to either activate or not. This gives hardcore players the chance to add some difficulty to a fight, or casual players to get it done easier and quicker. Of course Casual players can complete the 'Hard Modes' as well, it's simply a matter of skill.
What will you be doing as soon as the patch hits? Paying the 1000 gold for your dual spec? Hitting Ulduar 25 Hard Mode up, or maybe just going for the 10 man and keeping it simple first? I'll stick with my swimming mounts and be happy with it for now, as soon as I get my account back I'll be seeing you all in Ulduar though! (Maybe Icecrown by then..)
Hello world!
3 months ago
Great blog, very informative. Keep up the good work.
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