Now WoW is a great game, I used to be absolutely addicted to it. I would play 12-14 hours a day and hardly leave my room, no joke. I became somewhat of a hermit, my desk was covered in Dr. Pepper cans and paper plates, I had my TV set right next to my Computer so I could be entertained while I played, I went to bed at 3:00 AM and woke up at 1:00 in the afternoon. Most couldn't imagine living like that, but once you start you get used to it. It becomes a lifestyle.
WoW is in a sense a drug. It's get's you hooked so badly that it's hard to stop. Even Blizzard has a loading screen tip telling you to take all things in moderation, even WoW. I play only a few hours a day, but when I do, I play Hardcore.
You may be playing to much WoW if:
-You're sleeping schedule is off
.-You take off work to play.
-You automatically decline invitations to events because of a raid.
-You eat dinner at your desk instead of with your family
-You use online terms such as 'lol' or 'rofl' in real sentences.
-You put schoolwork off until the day it's do, because you're busy farming mats.
-You have too many items on your desk (Cans, food, etc.)
-You log onto WoW instead of hanging out with friends
-You failed an exam because you were raiding till 4:00 AM the night before
-You ignore your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse because something is happening in-game
-You right 'Pwnd' with your fingers on foggy windows
-You sit in Dalaran when there's nothing to do, and no ones on, just because you want to be logged in.
-You have over 4,000 achievement points.
-You have a Travelers Tundra Mammoth.
-You use terms such as 'Wife aggro'.
-You actually think we'll be getting Gnomeregan back anytime soon.
-You're still reading this, because you probably think you spend too much time playing
Family is the most important thing, play WoW when you can and when it doesn't interrupt with real life. Not only can it harm your social life, but your health as well if you get too sucked in. Set times to play, if things get too out of hand have a friend set up your parental controls and not give you the password. Don't let it interfere with your job, schoolwork, or family. Keep on playing, just not if you play too much! Good luck!
Hello world!
3 months ago
5 comments: guilty of way too many of these. In addition to these I find myself telling people "grats!" irl. When they ask wtf that is I simply pass it off as new gay terminology >.>
Amen. My roommates in college used to decline invitations to do actual stuff in real life because they had to raid. Once or twice was okay, but after about the tenth time you hear they can't go out and do something because their guild is raiding, it gets pretty old.
haha great post. I know a few people who should probably read the list lol
Hah yea, it can be frustrating if you know someone that has an issue but you can't really do anything about it, because they won't listen.
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