Apr 12, 2009

Dual Speccing: Raid Helper or Guild Breaker?

Posted by Aenorn

So with 3.1 dual specs will be introduced. For a one time fee of 1000 gold you can set up a second build, which you can switch to on your every whim, well while you aren't in combat at least. Of course this will help out in both the Raiding in PvP aspects, whether you're switching between tank and healer to better your raid or switching from your PvE build to your PvP build, it introduces something incredibly useful for everyone.

This also poses an issue though, who should be able to roll on what gear? That's for your guild to decide, but it can be a tough one to get around. What it can end up boiling down to is: "But I can use that for my other spec!" This can cause fights in-between guild mates, cause the ninja rates to go up in PuGs, and potentially cause large issues within your guild. The Guild Leader and Officers will have to deal with it with both respect (as to not make the player angry) and intelligence (so there are no dumb decisions being made)

In my personal opinion people should be dealt gear based on their role that fight. If someone tanks one boss, then heals for the next, they should be able to roll on tanking gear on the first (but not the second) and healing gear for the second (but not the first) Now who plays what role depends on your raid composition and the fight, and of course (example) if no tank needs the tanking item that dropped then the Guild Leader or Officers can decide who will be allowed to roll on it. All of this can cause confusion, and arguments within a guild that doesn't have a descent loot structure, and even some that distribute their loot with great ability.

All in all, Dual Specs are a huge change and honestly they'll bring more help than they will problems, but be sure to handle those problems wisely. Good luck!



Marshal said...

On progression raiding the tactical guild dishes out loot according to how it will help the guild progress through that certain fight.Pride in an offspec item must be passed up in order to better gear the classes that need the boost for the technical fights ahead.Progression>All

Aenorn said...

Well said! Progression is the most important thing of course, but imagine a new guild going into Naxx 10 for the first time. Theres bound to be some feuds arising.

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