Fight Club is a weekly guide featuring a new instance or boss each Monday.
To enter the Eye of Eternity at least one person in your raid must have completed the quest from either the 10 or 25 man version of the Key to the Focusing Iris from Saphiron.
Now, Malygos is a fairly tough fight. Compared to other instances, it's harder than Naxxramas, but easier than Ulduar. It can take some time to get down, but once you do it's a piece of cake.
As you might have guessed, Malygos is the only boss in this instance. To begin the fight click on the crystal ball that's on the platform your raid is on. Malygos has a 10 minute enrage timer.
Phase one
During phase one, the tank should simply keep Malygos in the center of the platform. Don't forget, Malygos is a dragon. This means you should never stand in front or behind him because of his tail whip and arcane breaths. He hits hard but slow, so make sure to keep the tank topped off in case of Arcane Breath.
Throughout phase one Malygos will spawn power sparks. They're large balls of lightning that start at random sides of the platform and move toward Malygos. If these are allowed to reach him his Arcane Breath will likely 1 shot your tank. Ranged DPS should bring these sparks down to around 10% and them let them move nearer to Malygos. Once they're where most of your raid is they MUST DIE. They drop an electric cloud that gives a 50% boost to damage to everyone in it. This is absolutely needed to beat the enrage timer. Stuns and Death Grip work on Power Sparks if you're in a sticky situation.
The other part of phase one is his Tornado. What this dose is throws everyone up into the air, dealing damage to them all. Once it's over everyone will take fall damage, and Malygos will immediately use Arcane Breath most likely killing everyone in front of him. (Except the tank.) Instant cast healing and ranged spells are usable during his Tornado, and sometimes melee attacks as well.
Once Malygos reaches 50% he will begin phase 2. He will slowly take off, so keep nuking him until he is out of range.
Phase Two
During Phase Two Malygos himself can't actually be targeted, instead you'll be dealing with his adds. However, throughout this phase he will cast Deep Breath. This deals 4,000 Damage per second unless you are in one of his anti-magic zones. These are the purple bubbles. Your raid members should ALWAYS be under these. They shrink over time so you must make sure to keep everyone moving to the newest one.
The main part of this phase is killing the Lords and Scions. The Lords come down to the platform and must be tanked, they'll one shot anyone who isn't a tank. Once a Lord dies it will drop a disk, one player can then mount on that disk and fly into the air to kill the Scions (Which don't come down) The suggested order for the disks is melee and then ranged. Also note that the Scions will cast arcane blast on a random target on the platform, it's mitigated by the Anti-Magic Zone but be sure to watch everyones health.
After every NPC is dead phase 3 will begin. Before it starts you will have another chance to burn a good 5-10% of his health . Phase 3 begins with Malygos breaking the platform and everyone falling onto Dragons.
Phase Three
Phae Three is completed on Dragons using a vehicle system. The way I prefer to do it is to have 2 groups of people. One in the east and one in the south, flying left to avoid Malygos' cloud attack. Also, make sure that no one get's in melee range of Malygos.
Use however many healers you feel is necessary here, same goes for DPS. Remember, anyone can heal and anyone can DPS here no matter there spec or class. Healers should HoT raid members up with Revivify and use Life Burst just before it's out of ticks.
The 2 attacks you should use as a DPSer are Flame Spike (this builds combo points) and Engulf in Flames (This is a finishing move) The recommended rotation for this is:
2 Flame Spikes -> Engulf in Flames (Repeat)
The reason for this is that with 5 combo points the Engulf in Flames lasts longer but does little extra damage.
Flame Shield is a finishing move, so if Malygos focuses on you make sure to have at least one combo point up, preferably more. It's also said that you can outrun his attack with the 500% speed boost ability.
Just burn him down until Alexstrasza comes in and finishes the fight. Recieve your loot from Alexstraszas Gift, then exit through the portal.
Hello world!
3 months ago
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