Maybe I'm the only one who's noticed (or cares) but there seems to be a lack of chests in Northrend. They seemed to have faded into the distance, even in Burning Crusade there were fewer than in Azeroth.
What ever happened to those happy times where you'd be running Scarlet Monastery and open a chest only to find a blue item staring you in the face? You'd cheer, and everyone would roll on it, someone would ninja it, quit the group, and the next day you'd see it on the AH. Where did those good times go?
Chests were never a huge part of the game, and certainly aren't now. The only chest anyone opens nowadays contains boss loot, there's no "Chest over here" "'Player Name' Has Died." anymore and I miss it! Even if the chests contained mediocre loot and crafting items, I still loved to open' em! They should be a part of any MMO!
Wheres my Ice Cold Milk, Blizzard!?
Hello world!
3 months ago
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