Everyone is always so busy running around, questing, raiding, working on their professions, that no one ever stops and just says. Man, what a beautiful place this is. Take time to enjoy the scenery, look at the amazing work Blizzard put into building this game. They could make it all a bunch of blocks, but instead they decided to put all their effort into this imaginary environment for your enjoyment.
One of the things I do from time to time is just take a flight from one end of the continent to the other. I turn off my UI, set my camera to first person, and hover my finger over the PRTSC button. It really helps me cool down or just think about how amazing this game really is. Plus I get some great desktop shots!
Just think about all the work that goes into putting all the detail into everything we see in this wonderful World of Warcraft. All the man hours, all the developers, having to go back and redo something over and over and over again to get it just right. Making sure everything is shaded correctly, making a lantern have the perfect amount of light coming off of it.
Turn your camera toward the ground and zoom in all the way. You can see the cracks in an old withered stone floor, or the rocks that fill the paths. You can see the footprints you leave behind as you run through the sand, or the snow on the trees in, or the steam coming from a smoke stack, the aura of an enchanted weapon.
The point I'm trying to get across is that this world is huge, it's beautiful, and it's amazing. You get so much more out of the game by just stopping and taking a screenshot of a great view or a cool scene.
Blizzard does an absolutely incredible job at making games, and I hope they keep doing what they're doing. Some of the new weapon and armor models I've seen in Wrath are just amazing, and Northrend is phenomenal!
I encourage everyone to take time out of their busy raiding schedule and really look at everything around you. You'll notice things you've never noticed before, and it just pops right out at you. Much of WoW is art, as much as it's a game to me. There's so much beauty to be seen that everyone should get a chance to experience it. I wish you all luck in your journeys, and if you find something breathtaking don't hesitate to send it to me, I'd love to see it!
Hello world!
3 months ago
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