Feb 11, 2010

Don't get excited

Posted by Aenorn

Hey guys, I doubt anyone still reads this old thing, but I'm using every resource I can get my hands on.

I'm involved in the Hiddentease.com Pro Gamer contest.

I've got a Shattered Horizon montage up currently, so I figured I'd ask for some help from you guys. The more views I get, the better.

I'd greatly appreciate it if you'd check out my video, and even rate/comment if you'd like.


On a side note: hopefully this will help grow the Shattered Horizon communty as a whole. The servers aren't very full as of late, so maybe this will convince some people to try it out.

PS. If you haven't, then try it out! It's a great game.

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Unholy Hands by Aenorn is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.
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